Prochem’s water shut off technology is used to plug water producing zones inside a reservoir. Cost savings can be obtained by lowering the water cut of a well. Water cut reductions of 20-50% are common, allowing quick earn back time for the operator. Most of our customers experience payback times of less than 60 days.

In case an operator can identify the water producing zone and the well service company is able to isolate this zone during the pumping process, then Prochem’s solution will be the right choice.

Per well, an analysis is made by our subject matter expert (with more than 30 years of field experience). Using our questionnaire, the operator can provide us with the correct data, allowing us to tailor make a water shut off proposal for every single well.

Water Shut Off Products

The polymer PM 100 is delivered to the location where in most cases 4 different concentrations (40, 55, 70 and 85%) are made up before the start of the job. For every recommended concentration of polymer, the correct amounts of cross-linker PMX and retarder PMR are added and premixed. Then according to a pumping design made by Prochem, the chemical shut off solution is pumped downhole inside the water producing zone.

PM 100

Concentrated polymer used to shut off water


Complex sodium salt used as a retarder


Chromium salt used as a cross-linker

For technical- and safety data sheets, please contact us at [email protected]

Functional in your process, friendly for the environment